Shelby Springer’s blog post, entitled “Preparing a Meal,” summarizes her process of coming up with an idea of a meal to share with her family, purchasing the necessary ingredients, and then making the meal. Shelby describes how she wanted to make something fun that her whole family would enjoy eating, and while it may have been a lot of work, she was proud about the outcome. Shelby says she felt accomplished by the fact she took the time out to plan what would work well together and what she needed ahead of time, making each step seem important. Shelby continues in the post to say that, after reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, she agrees with Pollan’s idea that Americans change and process food in order to get what we want out of it, instead of just eating natural foods that already have what we need in them. Shelby finishes with the thought that she did not think that the meal she made effected her view on the overall topic Pollan touches on, be she did notice she shared some similarities with points Pollan made.
Each of Shelby’s ideas are well thought out and supported with examples from Pollan’s book. She also found an article that reinforces the idea that Americans would have less weight problems if they didn’t see eating as a conflict and obsesses over it.
I agree with Shelby’s thoughts on taking pleasure in eating healthier. The ideas she makes are all backed with evidence from one are or another and hold a valid point. I think things would have come across a little bit stronger if she had put more detail about the article she found into the post. Overall Shelby displays a nice argument that is supported with evidence.
*photo taken from google images
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